$ 3.50
There are 4 worksheets included on solving equations. Each worksheet contains 10 equations. The 4 worksheets are: (1) Solving Two-Step Equations, (2) Solving Two-Step Equations with Fractions, (3) Solving Two-Step...
$ 3.50
Students will be graphing 9 linear equations on a graph by plotting the y-intercept and slope. After plotting all 9 lines, they will color each section according to the given...
$ 3.50
Students will be graphing 9 linear equations on a graph by plotting the y-intercept and slope. After plotting all 9 lines, they will color each section according to the given...
$ 3.50
Students will be adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions with a fun Halloween twist! All fractions are positive. There are 4 worksheets: (1) Adding & Subtracting Fractions (2) Multiplying Fractions...
$ 3.50
Students will be solving one-step equations with a fun Halloween twist! There are 4 worksheets: (1) One-Step Equations with Addition / Subtraction (2) One-Step Equations with Division (3) One-Step Equations...
$ 3.50
Students will be graphing 9 linear equations on a graph by plotting the y-intercept and slope. After plotting all 9 lines, they will color each section according to the given...
$ 3.50
There are 4 worksheets on the Pythagorean Theorem. The first worksheet includes calculating the distance between two points on a coordinate plane by using the Pythagorean Theorem. The second worksheet...
$ 2.50
Students will solve 26 problems on integer operations. This involves adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. After solving the problems, students will draw a line from the letter to the...
$ 4.00
There are 3 worksheets on angle relationships. This includes complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles. The first worksheet includes solving for x. The second worksheet also solves for x but...
$ 3.50
There are 3 worksheets on solving Systems of Equations. The first worksheet includes how to solve a system of equations by graphing. The second worksheet includes how to solve a...
$ 3.50
Students will be determining the unit rates with a fun Winter / Christmas twist! There are 3 worksheets: (1) Unit Rates and Unit Prices (2) Constant of Proportionality on a...
$ 2.50
Students will be converting percents into decimals. After performing percent-decimal conversions, students will color the turkey according to the color key code. This is perfect for 5th Grade Math or...
$ 3.00
This is a fun and engaging Halloween activity on adding & subtracting integers! Students will solve 22 problems on adding & subtracting integers. After solving the problems, they will draw...
$ 3.50
Students will be graphing 9 linear equations on a graph by plotting the y-intercept and slope. After plotting all 9 lines, they will color each section according to the given...
$ 3.50
Students will be determining the unit rates with a fun Valentine's Day twist! There are 3 worksheets: (1) Unit Rates and Unit Prices (2) Constant of Proportionality on a Graph...
$ 3.50
There are 4 worksheets on slope given a graph, table, two points, and standard form. Each worksheet contains 10 problems. The 4 worksheets are: (1) Slope Given a Graph, (2)...
$ 2.50
Students will be converting percents into decimals. After performing percent-decimal conversions, students will color the picture according to the color key code. This is perfect for 5th Grade Math or...
$ 2.50
Students will be simplifying fractions to their lowest terms. There are 19 fractions that are less than one. After simplifying the fractions, students will color the heart balloon according to...
$ 4.00
There are 4 worksheets on the volume of a cone, cylinder, and sphere. Each worksheet contains 10 problems. Worksheet #1: Volume of a Cylinder Worksheet #2: Volume of a Cone...
$ 3.50
This is a fun and engaging activity on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. Students will solve 12 task cards. After solving each problem, students will draw a line...
$ 3.50
Students will be converting repeating decimals into a fraction with a fun Fall/Autumn twist! There are 3 worksheets: (1) Repeating decimals less than one (2) Repeating decimals greater than one...
$ 22.50
This is a bundle for all of my 8th Grade Math Stained Glass Activities. This bundle includes the following math concepts: 1.) Solving Two-Step Equations 2.) Solving Two-Step Equations with...
$ 3.50
Students will be determining the slope of a graph. There are 9 linear graphs. After determining the slope of each graph, students will draw two lines on the lights. Once...
$ 2.50
Students will be converting percents into decimals. After performing percent-decimal conversions, students will color the picture according to the color key code. This is perfect for 5th Grade Math or...
$ 1.50
Students will be solving 10 problems on adding and subtracting fractions (includes mixed numbers and negatives). After solving the problems, students will draw a line from the letter to the...
$ 4.00
This is a fun and engaging activity on complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles. Students will solve for x and missing angles in 15 task cards. After solving each problem,...
$ 4.00
Includes 15 task cards on 7th grade math concepts in the first semester. The 15 task cards include one problem on the following: (1) Simplifying Absolute Value (2) Rational Numbers...
$ 3.00
There are 2 worksheets on Two-Way Tables. The first worksheet is a little easier. Each worksheet contains 10 problems. These worksheets help with self-assessment due to creating a stained glass...
$ 3.50
Students will be multiplying fractions. Some of the problems include mixed numbers. After solving the problems, students will draw a line from the letter to the solution. This helps with...
$ 2.50
Students will be converting percents into decimals. After performing percent-decimal conversions, students will color the gift according to the color key code. This is perfect for 5th Grade Math or...
$ 4.00
This is a fun and engaging activity on systems of equations. Students will solve 10 task cards on systems of equations. Two cards include word problems. After solving each problem,...