$ 10.00
Included is two foldables: animal cell and plant cell. These foldables are amazing!!! You can have your students construct the foldables in many different ways! There is a blank template...
$ 3.50
This is a fun and engaging matching activity on the Animal Cell. Students will be matching the organelles with its function and picture. The organelles include cell membrane, centrioles, cytoplasm,...
$ 5.50
This foldable is amazing!!! The foldable is on the animal cell. You can have your students construct the foldable in many different ways! There is a blank template and an...
$ 3.00
Students will be constructing a wheel spinner on the animal cell. There are 2 versions: (1) Answer Key Template or (2) Fill-in Template. The organelles included are cell membrane, cytoplasm,...
$ 5.00
Included is a foldable on lab safety. Students will need scissors and glue in order to construct the foldable (colored pencils are optional). There are 8 rules: Proper lab attire,...
$ 7.50
This is a great activity where students will be constructing a Meiosis banner. Students will be coloring, cutting, and pasting cell drawings according to their phase. It is a great...
$ 5.50
Included is a meiosis foldable that helps students study the different phases of meiosis. The phases included are prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, prophase II, metaphase II,...
$ 5.50
Students will be cutting and pasting puzzle pieces into the different stages of meiosis. This is a great hands on activity that allows for your students to work together to...
$ 30.00
Included in this bundle is all of my Mitosis and Meiosis activities/worksheets. This includes: -Mitosis Wheel Foldable $5.00 -Meiosis Wheel Foldable $5.00 -Mitosis Flipbook $8.50 -Mitosis Puzzle $4.50 -Meiosis Puzzle...
$ 8.50
Included is two foldables on mitosis and meiosis. Both foldables help students study the different phases of mitosis and meiosis. In addition, it is easy to make the comparisons between...
$ 8.50
Included is a flipbook that students will construct on Mitosis. Students will be cutting out cells and placing them onto the stage that they belong (interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase,...
$ 5.00
Students will be constructing a mitosis foldable. The phases included are interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis (Please note that prometaphase is NOT included in this foldable). The foldable...
$ 5.50
Included is a mitosis foldable that helps students study the different phases of mitosis. There are many different ways that you can differentiate this foldable. We have included three different...
$ 5.00
Students will be cutting and pasting puzzle pieces into the different stages of mitosis. This is a great hands on activity that allows for your students to work together to...
$ 3.50
This is a very engaging and fun activity for any students learning about mitosis. Students will be moving puzzle pieces according to their phase. Students will write a reflection on...
$ 4.00
Included is an activity where students make comparisons between Mitosis and Meiosis. Students will be cutting out notes and pasting them into the cell cycle that they belong. This Venn...
$ 5.00
Students will be constructing a flipbook that compares Mitosis and Meiosis. In the flipbook, students will draw the cell cycle for Mitosis and Meiosis. In addition, students will be cutting...
$ 3.50
Included is a wheel foldable on Newton's 3 Laws of Motion. Students can construct the foldable as a handheld study tool or glue them into their interactive notebooks. There are...
$ 5.00
This foldable is EDITABLE!!! You can use this foldable for any age group learning about photosynthesis. Students will need colored pencils, scissors and glue to complete the foldable. In addition,...
$ 5.50
Included in this activity are two puzzle activities. Students will be coloring, cutting, and gluing puzzle pieces according to whether they belong to photosynthesis or cellular respiration. In addition, students...
$ 3.50
This is a very engaging and fun activity for any students learning about photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Students will be moving puzzle pieces according to where they belong. Also, students...
$ 4.50
Included is a foldable on photosynthesis vs cellular respiration. You can print the foldable with the answers already given or you can print the blank template and have students fill...
$ 3.50
This is a fun and engaging matching activity on the Plant Cell. Students will be matching the organelles with its function and picture. The organelles include cell membrane, cell wall,...
$ 5.50
This foldable is amazing!!! The foldable is on the plant cell. You can have your students construct the foldable in many different ways! There is a blank template and an...
$ 5.50
Included is a puzzle activity on plate tectonics. Students will be coloring, cutting, and gluing puzzle pieces according to their plate boundaries. The boundaries include divergent (continental and oceanic lithosphere),...
$ 4.50
Students will be constructing a foldable on plate boundaries. The boundaries included are divergent (continental and ocean), convergent (continental, ocean, and ocean/continental), and transform. This is a great way for...
$ 4.50
Included is a foldable on plate tectonics. Students can either construct the foldable as a handheld study tool or glue it into their interactive notebooks. Also, you can decide if...
$ 5.00
Included is a foldable on prokaryote cells. There are many options on how to use the foldable. Your students can place the foldable in their interactive notebooks or use as...
$ 74.99
This bundle includes all science resources in my store. You will be getting 17 science resources and ALL future science products. Breakdown of resources included are: -Grassland food wed puzzle...
$ 50.00
This is a science interactive notebook bundle on CELLS. It includes over 30 interactive notebook activities and all the starter worksheets you need to start a Science Interactive Notebook. Includes:...
$ 3.50
Included is a cut and paste activity on the scientific method. Students will be cutting out puzzle pieces and gluing them according to where they fall with the scientific method...
$ 5.00
Students will be constructing a flipbook on the States of Matter (solid, liquid, and gas). Students will draw the molecules for solids, liquids, and gases. In addition, students will be...
$ 5.00
Students will be constructing a foldable on the Scientific Method. This is a great tool for students to use to study the Scientific Method. You can have students glue the...