$ 6.00
Included is a pre-test, post-test, and vocabulary quiz on 7.NS (7th grade Common Core standard - Number Sense). The tests are aligned to CCSS and EDITABLE (Microsoft Word)!!! The answer...
$ 3.00
Your students will love this activity! Each student will solve a total of 15 problems on adding and subtracting integers. They will be given a certain number of points for...
$ 3.00
This is a fun and engaging Halloween activity on adding & subtracting integers! Students will solve 22 problems on adding & subtracting integers. After solving the problems, they will draw...
$ 2.50
Students will solve 26 problems on integer operations. This involves adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. After solving the problems, students will draw a line from the letter to the...
$ 2.00
Included is 16 problems on multiplying and dividing integers. Students will complete these problems then color the mystery picture according to the given color. Answer key is included.
$ 2.50
Students will solve 41 problems on multiplying & dividing integers. After solving the problems, students will draw a line from the letter to the solution. Once all the lines are...
$ 3.50
Students will be solving 20 problems on operations of integers. This includes adding and subtracting integers, multiplying integers, and dividing integers. After solving the problems, they will cut out hexagons....
$ 3.50
Students will need a device for my math webquest on the operations on integers. Students will be given a link that goes to my website containing information about how to...
$ 3.00
Students will be constructing a wheel spinner on the operations of integers. This involves adding and subtracting integers, multiplying integers, and dividing integers. The bottom page includes some practice problems....